Ce site n'est plus mis à jour

L'École nationale d'administration (ENA)L'ENA a été supprimée le 31 décembre 2021.
Elle est remplacée par l'Institut national du service public (INSP)L'INSP depuis le 1er janvier 2022 insp.gouv.fr

Le contenu de ce site reste accessible à titre d'archive.


Since its creation, ENA has trained more than 3657 foreign students coming from 134 different countries.

You are a former student of an international cycle ?

You are a former student of an international cycle of ENA or IIAP and you want to keep in touch with the School? We invite you to contact the service of relationships with foreign students.

Alumnisocial network on Linked in

All ENA alumnican meet on a social network group on Linked in called "Ecole Nationale d'Administration Alumni ( ENA , France ).

The group, created in 2007 by a former Argentine student of the Long international Course (Promotion “Senghor” 2004), Mr Marcelo SCAGLIONE, aims to bring together all foreign alumni of the international cycles of ENA ( CIL , CIC , CIP, CIAP but CHEE and MEGA) and all former French students.

Currently, there are about 900 alumni registered over 9 000.

The group is animated by the French ENA Alumni Association ( AAEENA ) in collaboration with the School. It allows registered users to view theprofiles of their former colleagues, contact them directly or send messages to the whole group.

To join the group as a ENA alumni : create a profile on Linked in and look for the group "Ecole Nationale d'Administration Alumni ( ENA , France )."
