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Master's degree in Public Communication

Since 2008 this Master’s Degree is open to foreign students already enrolled in ENA’s Long International cycle.

This programme is jointly organized by the ENA and CELSA Paris IV-Sorbonne.

The master’s programme is based on the principal curriculum followed by the Long International cycle students in ENA, which includes courses on management, monitoring and evaluation of public policies, European and International questions.

The additional curriculum specific to the Master’s degree:

The complementary courses are given by teachers from CELSA. This curriculum, which represents a total amount of 90 hours, includes the following:

  • Political and public communication.
  • Information theories and the necessary know-how in order to be able to implement a realistic communication policy.
  • Public relations and relations with the press.
  • Qualitative and quantitative studies.

These courses represent the first 3 Teaching Units. The fourth unit is the production of an 80 page thesis on an aspect of public or political communication, supervised by 2 faculty members from CELSA, presented during the oral defense in front of a jury composed of 2 faculty members from CELSA and a member of the ENA academic staff.