ENA's cooperation in Europe
In Europe, ENA's expertise is deployed in two complementary areas :
- les training in the School's core business, public management and public policy, provided by the Mission for International Projects and Partnerships (MPPI) based in Paris
- les training in community policies
The community dimension influences all of ENA's cooperation projects in this region, consisting of 3 sets of specific issues :
- the EU member countries
- EU candidate and potential candidate countries
- the countries of the EU's eastern neighborhood
In this area, the projects developed are mainly financed by the EU (European Neighborhood and Pre-Accession Assistance Instruments, DG reform...), the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, through the network of Embassies, and theInternational Organization of the Francophonie (OIF).
ENA's cooperation with the Member States of the European Union is focused on exchanges between partners and counterparts
- Participate in in peer-to-peer exchanges with schools and institutes of administration, within the framework of European networks (e.g. Network of Directors of Institutes and Schools of Administration in Europe - DISPA)
- Continuing longstanding partnerships : National School of Administration of Poland (KSAP), National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government of Greece (EKDDA), Institute of Public Administration of Bulgaria (IPA), National Institute of Public Administration of Roumania
- Contribute tothe exchange of good practices between officials of Member States in the framework of conferences organized by partner institutes (ex. e.g. round table in the United Kingdom and Bulgaria on "Open Government")
- Developing joint responses to European programs
- Participer au placement en stages en administration française des élèves fonctionnaires étrangers
Participate in internship placements in French administration for foreign civil servant students
With EU candidate and potential candidate countries, cooperation is aimed at strengthening administrative capacity and supporting the improvement of good governance in partner countries and institutions, in line with the EU accession strategy :
- Organize support missions for the establishment or strengthening of schools of administration (e.g. Serbia, Albania)
- Identify and mobilize French experts to provide training in the framework of continuing education modules organized by partner schools (Human Resources Agency of Montenegro (UZK), Kosovo Institute of Public Administration (KIPA))
- Organize study visits to present the French system of training senior civil servants, in support of partner countries' public administration reforms and the implementation of civil servant training strategies (e.g. National Academy of Public Administration of Serbia)
Cooperation with the EU's EAST neighborhood countries aims to support administrative reforms in the area of good governance, in line with the European strategy of assistance to EAST neighbor countries :
Support for capacity building of civil servants and reforms of the administration and civil service (e.g. European technical assistance and twinning projects in Ukraine and Armenia).
Exemples d'actions :