Relations between ENA and Africa
ENA's relations with Africa are focused, on the one hand, on the continuation and renewal of the traditional relations established by the former International Institute of Public Administration (IIAP), and on the other hand, on research and development of partnerships with both French- and English-speaking countries.
High-level training courses focused on practice
ENA responds to requests for training in many areas of public action such as management and human resource management in the civil service, the organization of administrative justice, public finance, etc.
For example, ENA has established a strategic relationship withthe African Union for which it has been organizing, since 2016 and with the support of the French Embassy, several training sessions on topics such as results-based management, women's leadership and negotiation techniques.
Likewise, distance training has been organized with the Center for Distance Education of Côte d'Ivoire (CED-CI). Launched in 2013 until 2018, this cycle has been a great success: about ten training sessions were organized each year. It has been attended by listeners from Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Madagascar, Mali and Senegal.
The School also offers placements for foreign students in French administrations: since 2013 students from the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) of Cameroon have been doing internships in administrative and financial jurisdictions.
Support for the modernization of African administrations
In addition, ENA regularly organizes, at the request of African administrations,expert missions,tailor-made seminars in Paris or on the spot and study visits on strategic themes aimed at improving the efficiency of the administration, both centrally and locally: the modernization of public administration (digitalization, democratization, public service delivery) with Burkina Faso in Ouagadougou, South Africa in Paris, Ethiopia in Addis Ababa these last three years (2018-2020); the reform of local administration with support for Cameroon, which began in 2019.
Similarly, in September 2019, ENA received a delegation of Congolese parliamentarians for a ten-day study visit on the drafting and control of the finance law.
Support for the creation and governance of schools and institutes of administration
The ENA is very often called upon to create training centers or to support large-scale reforms to better recruit and train civil servants.
In Bangui, ENA is supporting its counterpart, the” Ecole Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature” (ENAM), in the implementation of the Tamboula project to strengthen the capacity of the Central African administration. Among the many activities is the revival of the initial training offered by the school as part of the redeployment of government authority throughout the country.
In 2014, the School supported the ambitious project to relaunch the ENA of the Democratic Republic of the by sending many experts to the field. In 2020, this partnership is even more active with the organization of three missions to Kinshasa on the complementary themes of curriculum reform, the placement of students in administration and the creation of the governing bodies of the ENA of the DRC.
Finally, with theNational School of Government ofSouth Africa, ENA shares its experience in multicultural training in the framework of the reflection on the creation of a training on African leadership.
Initial and continuing training courses particularly attended by African civil servants
In terms of initial or continuing training, many African civil servants participate in the training activities offered by ENA, whether it be PIC catalog training (about half of the staff), or long-term training (from 22% to 32% depending on the training).
Exemples d'action :